sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Jusqu'ou l' évolution peut mener

"(…) Quando a vontade já não é escrava das coisas, tudo parece perdido e torna-se impossível executar imagens de um universo maravilhoso – criação – para, de seguida, as largar – crítica -porque somos tão sérios que nada é considerado sério, excepto a negação e, desta maneira, a evolução não pára, começa.

Acentuar-se à muitas vezes a idiotia, pouco importa, é agradável pensar até onde ela pode levar.(...)"

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010


For A beautiful LIE with a bad romance FROM YESTERDAY , I can´t remember the OBLIVION.
I read a message in a bottle, THE STORY called KINGS AND QUEENS where THE FANTASY was CLOSER TO THE EDGE and today he killed with his eyes

…and I whisper, you are my ALIBI

segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

"It’s something unpredictable but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life" Greenday

I could not stop writing, in the end you are like the twinkling of the stars, captivates me. But that light is so fast and meaningless, it took me a while to understand the true essence. You know ... I think it's all a question of charm, nothing more.

I'll always stay in love with you, my moon

sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

"What do you want me to do, to watch for you while you're sleeping? Then please don't be surprised when you find me dreaming too."

The Greatful Dead in Box of Rain
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